Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Choice; Islam dan Kristen

The Choice; Islam dan KristenThis Ebook given multiple choice, Islamic or Christianity. But Life is a choice. So, you must read this Ebook. Are you attracted to this ebook? Klik Please this linkFree Ebook In Indonesian LanguageDOWNL...

Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Passion Of Jesus

The Passion Of JesusBerkenaan topik penyaliban Isa a.s., memang berkembang beberapa pemahaman.Kristiani beranggapan bahwa Yesus wajib wafat ditiang salib (karena inilah inti dari ajaran penebusan dosa).Yahudi juga berkeinginan untuk membunuh Yesus (Isa...

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Trinitas In Chistians

Trinity is consept in cristiany. This Ebook dismantle the lie to Christians in the concept trinitasnya. Like to know what the concept of the Trinity in the teachings of Christians. Starting from the meaning of the Trinity to the weakness of this concept....

Hadits Arbain

Arbain Hadith is the Hadith which amounted to forty-truth is that there is no doubt. What's in this Hadith is an obligation for Muslims to what the abiding sayed In this Ebook it all in one e-book (electronic book). live click Hadith is selected, it...