Monday, May 18, 2009

Surviving Infidelity: Why Do Affairs Start?

When you're in a marriage struggling to survive infidelity, it might seem odd to think about why affairs start in the first place. But this is an important part of surviving infidelity. Knowing how affairs start gives you the understanding to know how to put your marriage back together - especially if your cheating spouse isn't on board with the idea...

Verbal Emotional Abuse: 3 Keys to Surviving Verbal and Emotional Abuse

You are not his/her words, though it doesn't feel that way when you are being abused. On a very deep level, you believe those words of disregard, disapproval, disrespect…even the ones that are absolutely foul.Yet, in a more surface way, you claim not to buy that trash. You know those are just his/her words. And you've heard that the verbal abuse showered...
Communication Skills Training - Effective Communication Find the next available Open Communication Skills Course Good Communication Skills are essential Being an effective communicator takes real skill. Communication skills have to be developed, honed and added to on an on-going basis. They are the heart of interpersonal skills and the greater your...
Communication Skills Training - Effective Communication Find the next available Open Communication Skills Course Good Communication Skills are essential Being an effective communicator takes real skill. Communication skills have to be developed, honed and added to on an on-going basis. They are the heart of interpersonal skills and the greater your...

Common Relationship Problems And How To Handle Them

No matter how happy a couple is and how compatible they are with each other, they will still fight. I know; the fact that every couple has relationship problems is little comfort when your relationship is going through a rough patch.But what does make you feel better is that if others can solve their love problems, so can you. In this article, I talk...

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Communication Theory

HistorySocrates : DialogAristotele : RhetoricHumanistic & Rhetoric Prior to 20th CenturySociology, Psychology, Linguistics, Advertising: scientific methodological and insight.Kerangka Teori KomunikasiMechanistic: Transaction of information from Sender...